Big Problems/Little Problems

J drew the number 147 on the mirror after a shower (this is Wednesday, the day before 142 Thursday). He’s always thinking about numbers. Did this mean that 142 was going to be a non-issue on Thursday? Did this mean 147 was going to be the new “bad number?” I asked J about it and he said, “It’s just 147. It’s not good or bad.”

To say that J has a volatile relationship with numbers would be an understatement. J and numbers have a long and complicated history. Numbers were among the first words J picked up in the early years while we were still struggling with speech. J could pick out numbers patterns and knew most of his single digit subtraction and addition facts pre-K. J had an obsession with numbers. He loved numbers. But at around grade 1 / grade 2, he started to develop strange fears about numbers.

He’s been living with number phobias ever since. The ones J deems “tainted” or “threatening” change every few months. Right now, one of those numbers just happens to be 142.

J also just happens to keep track (and numbers) every single day of the school year. That way he can keep track of every single catastrophic event (in J’s eyes, anything that happens unexpectedly is a catastrophic event) and which day (aka NUMBER) it happens on. My theory is that’s how some of the number phobia starts. It at least explains a piece of it.

J has been dreading the 142 day of school for about a month now. I made an appointment weeks ago with Dr. T, J’s therapist, and they talked about strategies he could use to get through the day when it came around.

I used the Social Thinking Language that J’s speech teachers have really been trying to enforce over the last few years, the idea of big problem (near crisis) vs little problem (a glitch).

J (and a lot of kids on the spectrum) have a hard time figuring out that most things in life fall on a spectrum. I think this has to do a lot with the faulty switches in their brain that are rooted in anxiety. To them, either something’s a threat, or it’s safe. Either something’s good or it’s bad. It’s that cave man protective skill. J’s brain can’t slow down enough (naturally) to think that there might be different and varied approaches to looking at the world. Or that most things we see every day aren’t big problems (we don’t get earthquakes or tsunamis every day). Most things are little problems, like a “glitch” (running out of milk, getting corn stuck in your teeth, you know, annoying, but not life-threatening). There’s a great link for the Social Thinking chart explaining glitches here.

Up until the last year or so, all problems=big problems.
Will all of that positive narrative we had been building the last month, I felt J and I were ready to face this week. J was feeling confident in his anxiety strategies for handling the “bad number.” Then Monday came, four days before D-day, and I wasn’t sure we were even going to make it to the anticipated apocalypse.

It started with Monday morning drop off. Monday was French Fry Day (another phobia for J—he’s deathly afraid of French fries) and so Steve had packed a bag lunch for J the night before. For the first time in a very long time, we were ON TIME. I wanted a great start to the week, especially with 142 coming up, and we were off to that great start, until I drove up to the school and J asked, “Where’s my bag lunch?”

Crap! I thought. “I’ll bring it sometime this morning,” I said. My mind immediately started spinning on how I was going to pull this off. Would I have to be late/cancel my 9:00 am appointment? I’d have a little time to squeeze after. But would it be enough time before lunch? Would he be a hot mess of anxiety all morning long until it got there?

“When?” J insisted “When are you going to bring it?”

“Sometime before lunch.” I said, because I was still trying to figure out the logistics in my head.

“When before lunch?” I could see the anxiety stewing already. The shaking in his hands. The way he nods his head emphatically, demanding an answer.

I let W out of the car and watched her dash into the school. “Okay, we’ll drive back home now, and you’ll be a few minutes late.”

J hates being late, but I think the prospect of confronting a tray of fries in the lunch line and French fry anxiety trumped the being late anxiety. We got home, got his lunch, and got to school. Forgotten lunch, just a little problem—a glitch. Something I needed to remember too.

Shortly before pickup, I received a text from J’s para that I might want to pick up J early. His shoelace got caught in the pedal of the stationary bike he uses daily for a brain break, and he got into a small panic attack because he couldn’t get his foot unstuck momentarily, but it was enough of problem that it took him a good five minutes to calm down after it happened. But by the time I got there, he had pulled himself together and was pretty proud of himself for doing it. Again, small problems—a glitch.

During track practice after school, there was a mix-up on the 4 mile route. The pack J was running with turned around about the 3.5 mile point. J didn’t know where he was going, and so he turned around with them. But, by the time the coach and I caught up to them, the coach told them that they had to run all the way to the gas/station and stop sign. J was LIVID. J didn’t want to turn around run and head back for the additional ½ mile or so and then turn around again to go back to the school. His mind was fixed on the return trip. He told me he hated me, and then he told me all the things he hated about everything else in the world, and 142 came up again—all during the run back for a good mile. Finally I said, “That’s enough. If you make it to the school without complaining, that means you will have handled 2 glitches today. The shoelace glitch AND the route mix up.”

For some reason that clicked with him. And he made it back, without a peep.

Monday was crazy and full of glitches but I really think it helped us prepare for the bigger anxiety a few days later. Monday J was able to work through all the small problems that came his way, which gave him the confidence to use his coping skills and handle 142 in the way he needed to. And he did.

Thursday came and we made it through the 142 day of school with no problems! Even with speech cancelled that day (J hates it when people mess with the schedule) He had made it!  He got ice cream at DQ for handling it, just like we promised him last month when the infamous 142 started showing up in J’s daily conversations. With J, food always works well as an extra motivator.

“142 isn’t a monster,” J explained to me Thursday night. “It’s just a number” he said shrugging. “Just a glitch. It comes and goes. It won’t last forever.”

And just like that, 142 came and went without incident. Not a problem at all.

Full Catastrophe Living

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Me back in the glory days–not really the glory days. I wasn’t really a fast runner at all. This is my picture of XC. I don’t know if it will ever match up with J’s picture of XC

The turn of events this week are all because of one teeny tiny mistake. I thought J would picture this week in the exact same way as I pictured this week. I do this sometimes. I remove me and J from the world for a little bit, we work hard on hard things together, and then I expect us to end up at some better place I’ve created in my mind. I’m not shooting for the stars or anything. Just a small, positive change. One step forward instead of three steps back. That’s all. No Disney inspirational movie making plot here. I’m just looking for baby step progress.

This is how I saw this week and the events leading up to it:

We run all winter. We master the mental and physical hoops that come with running in below freezing temperatures. Track season starts. J runs with the group without complaining—with that new mental capacity we’ve been practicing the last five months. He stays close enough to the group, maybe a block, or block and a half behind. Last of the pack, that’s what I’m anticipating. But not too far behind. Not four or five blocks behind like XC season. That’s how I saw track happening. Like I said. I wasn’t expecting anything much or outrageous.

This is how J saw this week :

Just like XC. Same routes, same friends, same coaches. Because that’s what I told him it would be like. “Track is just like XC, J” I had told him over and over again for the last 5 months. “You’re going to love it.”

And that’s where I made my mistake. J took me literally. He thought track would be the literal version of XC reincarnated.

And boom. Worlds collided. His expectations vs my expectations and you have full on catastrophe.

That’s what started Monday’s troubles.

Monday I get a call from one of J’s paras around 2 in the afternoon, letting me know that the first track practice will be held in the cafeteria after school (because of weather) and so we could discuss where I could meet up with them. “Oh,” I said. “We should probably let J know then. I think he’s expecting to start practice up at the high school.”

J’s para text a few minutes later:

“I told j that track will be in the cafeteria today and he did not like that idea.”

No, he did not like that idea at all. When I came to meet him after school, he came out with his track bag over his shoulder, fully dressed in the clothes I sent him to school with.

“He had a little meltdown—not a big one where I had to call the principal—but he said he didn’t want to go to track today. He says that he doesn’t want to go to the cafeteria for track.”

On the way home, J was all tears when I asked him about why he didn’t want to go. I had my suspicions. In J’s brain kids shouldn’t be running in the cafeteria—or the halls of the school—which was where they were going to practice sprints. In J’s brain, that’s not what track looked like. Track was going to be just like XC. Running for a long time. At the high school. Outside. With friends. Just like I had promised.

“How do you feel?” he asked mid-mini-meltdown in the back seat.

“Sad. Disappointed,” I said. “I thought you wanted to run track.”

When we pulled into the driveway, J suddenly stopped crying. “I want to go back,” he said determined. “I WANT to go back.”

J changed quickly and we rushed back to the school. He joined the track team in the cafeteria. I watched him as he fully participated with his uncoordinated body, arms and legs flopping all over the place as he tried the lunges and skips and jumps and other form drills with dozens of other kids in the tiny cafeteria. He also waited patiently for all the boys to run sprints on the 3rd floor hallway.

“J, I’m so proud of you,” I said on the second drive home. “Isn’t track great?”

“Yes! I’m going to do it again tomorrow.”

“Wow,” I thought. “We’ve done it! J got over the changes. He’s adjusted his expectations. It was just a little glitch, but now we’re good.

And then Tuesday happened.

Around two in the afternoon I got another call. J had another meltdown and this time principals were involved. I have to say, sometimes when I get called in, it feels like I’m the specialist called into a crime scene—like Sherlock Holmes, the person who finds the clues that no one else sees and has to figure out what the heck just happened. We get J calmed down and settled, and we try to figure out what happened. They tell me J started obsessing and stressing out about numbers, and words, and spellings (all symptoms of his anxiety) and then it just escalated from there. But the thing that sticks out to me the most is the phrase J keeps saying over and over in the room, “I don’t want to stay after school.”

And that’s when my best educated guess clicked—I say educated guess because by this point, I know I will never truly understand the reasoning and logic that happens in J’s brain.

“I think he’s stressed out about track,” I said. “He had a mini meltdown after school about it yesterday, but we went back and he ended up being okay. But maybe he’s not okay. I mean, it’s not what he’s expecting—running in the school, for one thing.”

And then I remembered something else.

“In elementary school, if J had a bad behavior day, he had to stay after school—like detention. I think he’s equating staying inside the school, after school, with detention, even if it’s for track.”

J came home early with me. He missed track. As I drove W to piano lessons, we passed the long distance track team running. Outside. I was all tears. Because J has taken 4 minutes off of his mile time over the winter. 4 whole minutes. And because of his anxiety—the most disabling part of his autism diagnosis, he wouldn’t be able to run track. I started questioning if XC was going to be a reality in the fall. We came home and I made a T chart comparing XC and Track for J. J wrote down his “new picture of track looked like.” I explained to him that staying after school for track was not detention and that we didn’t do detentions anymore. And then I was done parenting for the day.

I asked Steve to do all the homework with him that night. I made dinner and read a chapter of The Roundhouse. Steve and I watched Netflix the rest of the night.

And then came Wednesday

By Wednesday, I had no expectations for anything. J saw the kids on Tuesday and said he really, really wanted to try track again. The paras and I texted back and forth that day about it. They said J was excited to do it. I met him after school. J’s special ed teacher (who is also one of the track coaches) let me know that the middle school long distance team would be meeting at the high school (not because of J, just because that was the plan) and so J and I met the team at the high school. And J ran with the boys/girls high schoolers and middle schoolers, straggling about a block behind the last girl runner. This is what I was thinking track would be like. It was a good day.

Thursday practice looked much like Wednesday’s, except the boys and girls middle schoolers ran their own route. J was able to keep up with at least one other runner at all times during the run (which is a huge relief for me, having a buddy who can also be aware when crossing streets). He even finished his run with the first finishing girl.

I look back at this week and I think, “Wow, that’s not how I expected this week to go at all—after Monday. Especially after Tuesday.”

We celebrated making through the week at Sandy’s donuts. Because you have to celebrate the little things.

I think that’s what keeps me going. It’s what keeps me from giving up altogether with J. Knowing every day will be so much different than the day before. It’s so unpredictable, that even after a bad day I can’t guarantee that the next day will be bad. Living with J is truly full catastrophe living.

Jon Kabat-Zinn once said that “the nature of the human condition [is] to actually, at times, encounter uncertainty, stress, pain, loss, grief, sadness and also a tremendous potential for joy, connection, love, affiliation.  And all of that is ‘the full catastrophe.’  It’s not just the bad stuff.  It’s everything.  And the question is, “Can we love it, can we live inside of it in ways that actually enliven us and allow us to be fully human?”

That, says Jon Kabat-Zinn, is what full catastrophe living is. And I think that’s the perfect definition of this whole parenting business.

Prepping for an IEP


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J and W at J’s early intervention preschool in Lawrence, Kansas.It’s hard to believe J has had regular IEPs years before this!

J’s IEP is coming up this week.

It’s something I’ve been doing for as long as I can remember.  I have binders full of Assessments, Evaluations, Re-Evaluations, Progress Reports, IFSPs (an IEP for kids under 3), IEPS (an Individual Education Program once a child turns 3),and behavioral  assessments. I even have copies of “my rights” as a parent of a child with disabilities from three different states.

I can’t imagine what it would be like to be a parent without all of these binders. To just send your kids off to school and collect report cards a couple of times a year.

Over the years, I’ve learned some things along the way—things that go past the anatomy of an IEP. There’s plenty of websites out there that explain that like this one here. But I’ve learned some things about the mental/emotional aspect of the IEP meeting. And sometimes that’s a little harder to navigate than the goals and objectives and the construction of the IEP itself.

Here are seven things I’ve learned:

  1. Be objective—as objective as you can. I know it’s hard as a parent. You have to leave all your emotional crap at home. If you really have a gut feeling that your child isn’t understanding, doing, learning, something, don’t hide it. Bring it up. The good, bad, and the ugly. Just because your child is struggling, doesn’t mean you’re a bad parent. Be willing to admit that your child is having a hard time keeping up or behaving him/herself. If you’re frustrated with how things are playing out at school, don’t lash out on staff. Look at the current plan and see how you can improve that instead. It sounds very clinical because in some ways it has to be. Doctors can’t let their emotions overcome their thought processes when helping their patients.
  2. Make sure to bring up your child’s strengths: I think any parent—those of neurotypical kids as well—can say that their child behaves differently at home than they do at school. Often, with kids on the spectrum they feel more comfortable in their home environment and can show strengths in learning and talents that might not show up at school. Make sure you notify the team of these things. They may not be seeing them.
  3. Be an advocate for your child: If you feel like your child isn’t getting the services they need, tell the team. Hopefully you’ve been in constant contact with the team before the IEP (and so your concerns don’t seem like they’re coming way out of left field), but if they still aren’t addressing your concerns, make sure you bring them up and hold your ground. If there is something your child really, really needs, make sure that it’s included in the IEP.
  4. Come prepared. Review past IEPs and assesments. Look at the progress reports of past goals. Which goals were the most successful and why? Which goals were the least successful and why? This will help you gauge where the best place/level to challenge your child and encourage the best success. Sometimes goals are too lofty and have to be revisited for the next IEP. Sometimes they’re too easy and they need to be revisited for the next IEP. Sometimes they’re too specific or too general. If you’re receiving services outside of the district, make sure you include any information from those services that might be helpful.
  5. Prep the team before you get to the meeting. Write a little summary of what you’ve been seeing at home (both the positive and the negative) and send it out. I find there’s limited time in an IEP meeting and there’s always so much I want to say. If everyone’s read the summary before the meeting, I feel the team knows better where I’m coming from, and hopefully we can be more efficient with our time.
  6. Be a good listener. There’s a lot of group dynamics happening in an IEP meeting, and different people have different sets of information/perspective that others in the group don’t have. Try to be fair and make sure you listen to everyone’s voice. It’s really easy for one person (yourself included) to dominate the conversation.
  7. Remember that this is one moment in your life and your child’s life. It’s easy to get overwhelmed and feel like you’re drowning on all the things that need to be “fixed.” But every child is constantly evolving. That’s why your parenting strategies become obsolete in a few short months, weeks, or even days after you’ve come up with some brilliant plan, and you have to figure out something new again. As J would say (reciting one of his mindfulness apps), “It isn’t always going to be like this. Thoughts (substitute hard things) come and go like leaves on a river.” Tap into those mindfulness strategies. It will also help you with #1.

As I’ve prepared for this round, I’ve had some new insights through looking at J’s past IEPS. I understand J’s behavior goals will be important to discuss in this next IEP meeting, but I’m also anxious to talk about his academic goals as well. While going through these documents (all the way back to 2005) I’ve noticed that over the years the IEP goals have focused heavily on behaviors (appropriate class behavior, reducing outbursts, and using language to communicate needs). These goals have been on every IEP J has ever had in some shape or form. In fact, on one of J’s eligibility assesments (under “background information”) it states:

“Records indicated he entered school with a tremendous base of concept knowledge and age-appropriate pre-academic readiness skills. J’s weaknesses have consistently been in behavior. His records show IEP goals attempting to increase prosocial interactions with peers and decrease disruptive behavior. J’s previous district stated ‘He displays a high level of stereotypical repetitive behaviors that interfere with his learning’ (November 2007).”

J has been able to “muddle through” academics over the years. He has an incredible memory so math has been historically a strength for him, as well as spelling and grammar. In fact, he came into kindergarten being able to spell at a second grade level, read basic sight words, and new his basic math facts. Over the years, modifications have been made for him in other areas (such as reading comprehension). But now I feel like we’re hitting a turning point. He’s been slipping in the academics category. Now that we’re in middle school he needs to learn how to “take tests.” He needs to learn to study for a test to if he’s going to be able to “muddle through.” Last year he was dismal in these areas, but this year we’ve been seeing glimpses of progress at home. We’re starting to figure out how to get him to “study.” How to get him to work “independently.” Not at grade appropriate levels, but he’s learning the concepts. And I can’t help but think that in the end, knowing how to “do the task” and consequently, eliminate half of the frustration, might improve behavior and attention at the same time. Give him something to encourage prosocial interactions with peers. We’ll see.

I have a love/hate relationship with IEPS. I’m excited to see how J’s grown and at the same time I can get discouraged that he’s always behind in something. That’s why #7 is probably the most important for me personally. I have to remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Math Update:

Steve marked this. The American system of marking makes me smile. In Canada, you put a check beside the correct ones, an “x”by the wrong ones. In the States, you just put a check by the wrong ones. Steve added stars to the correct ones to make J feel good about himself.

The last two weeks we’ve been working on adding and subtracting integers with J. Every day. I decided to suck up all my math phobias and to try to figure out how to get J to learn this. I printed off free worksheets from Easy EASY integer problems he could do in his sleep. I wanted to make sure he REALLY knew the rules of integers. After a week and a half, I decided that it was time for J to do the whole sheet on his own. It took him 8 min. Alone in his room. No hovering to tell him to focus and do the next question. No talking through the steps with him. He felt confident (and proud enough) to do them ALL ON HIS OWN—FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER. NOT ONCE DID I REMIND HIM TO SIT BACK DOWN AND DO HIS WORK. He got 22/30 right. 72%. And the next day doing his real integer homework, with larger computations, was SO MUCH EASIER. Because he can do the larger computations without the integer mumbo jumbo. He was doing larger computations in grades two and three, and yet for the past few weeks in school he’d been bombing every worksheet because of the addition of integers rules.  It really confirmed to me that he needs to practice the steps as simply as possible—over and over and over again—he’ll have no problem applying them later.

See? Like I said, they’re constantly evolving!


Learning How To Breathe

Today the morning routine started out great. J woke up calm, ready to run, ready to eat breakfast, ready to work (middle school starts later in the morning this year, so we’re able to fit in a fair bit of studying and extra practice in the mornings). W had eaten breakfast and was dressed practicing the piano. It was all going great until 8:30, when W couldn’t find her play script and two minutes later realized that it was an orchestra day and she needed to be at school early. After a mad scramble to find her script, we packed up everything and were out the door in minutes when J announced that he needed a bag lunch “because the cafeteria is serving French Fries today” (J has a pathological fear of French Fries so just sucking it up and doing the hot lunch is not an option) so in my brain I shuffled my schedule to figure out when I could make a lunch and have it dropped off for J later that morning.

We pile into the car with the dog and back out of the garage (don’t ask me how the dog ended up in the car) and by this point I wanted to explode. In my brain I was screaming, “Are you KIDDING me!” “How did we just go from everything-under-control to the Apocalypse!” I was about to let it all out when instead I threw the car into park—mid driveway—and announced: “We’re all going to take a deep breath.”

I’m trying to be better at modeling for my children how to handle stress. J is especially terrible at handling it—the kid has so much bottled-up, stewing, brewing anxiety it makes me exhausted just watching him go through cycles of anxiety-ridden self narrative all day long.

After a few deep breaths, I said nothing. I was still angry, but the lecture wasn’t worth it. The kids needed to be emotionally and mentally ready for the day, not running into the school carrying the wrath of mom inside with them.

I’m really trying to be more mindful. There has been a lot of research and media buzz about mindfulness the past few years and the emotional and brain benefits that come with it. Especially with kids who struggle with anxiety, ADHD, autism, and mood disorders. If you want to read more about it, here and here are a couple of articles.

Breathing is just a part of mindful living–there’s more to it than that, but the breath is something we can always come back to to recenter ourselves. It’s strange to think that such a simple thing like breathing can be so mind and mood changing. As soon as we’re born, we’re breathing. It’s automatic. But there is this crazy amazing power that comes from taking a deep breath. Not just any breath, a deep mindful breath where you focus on your body and where your breath is happening. It’s this little time bubble that lets you assess what is going on—is the world really going to end because I’m going to have to bring a bag lunch later in the morning? That W lost her script again? And you realize that even though there was a blood moon last night, the Apocalypse didn’t happen and it won’t happen right now because of these little morning glitches. That showing your kids that the world isn’t going to end will also show them that these things really aren’t a big deal and we can reset and move on.

See? Magic!

I’m not going to pretend I’m an expert on this or mindfulness. But I’m trying. I took an eight week course last fall and it’s really changed my perspective on how to handle the way I approach things. It’s challenging. I go through spots of dedicated mindfulness and there are months at a time where I forget about it. But since school’s started I’ve been thinking how it so important for J to start adopting some of these skills.

We had some breathing successes and fails this past week. On Tuesday we attempted to have an EEG done on J to rule out some things (seizures, tics, etc. Fun fact, did you know that 1 in 3 kids with autism have seizures? Find out more here). I think Steve and I both knew coming into this that this wouldn’t work out—but we tried it anyway. J walked into the evaluation room asking about needles over and over again. When we finally convinced him that there were no needles involved we were able to have him sit for 20 minutes to get his head marked up with red marker and wax electrodes plastered all over his head. However, when he was told to lie on the bed to relax, he had a monstrous anxiety attack and there was no way we could get an accurate reading. We tried everything for 20 minutes, Imagine Dragons on the phone, breathing exercises. Nothing. We picked up W after the failed appointment (she knew J had a dr’s appointment) and when she saw him sobbing in the car with blood-red marks all over his head, she started bawling too, “What did they do to him!”

This is before the electrodes were added. There’s red marks all over his hair too. He started getting panicky when the tech was marking his head and he wanted to see what was going on. Since there was no mirror, I took a picture. Frankenstein-ish, eh? 🙂

Needless to say none of us remembered to breathe through that whole ordeal.

But last night we had something amazing happened. Before bed we try to practice some mindfulness moments with J and recently I’ve been trying to work on breathing exercises. With the lights off, lying flat on his bed I placed a stick of deodorant on his belly (to help him understand where his breathing happens) and told him to make sure it went up and down with every breath, listening to the lady on the app guide him through mindful breathing. And there J stayed, still—perfectly still—watching and feeling the deodorant stick go up and down and the kid who usually fidgets constantly, runs 3 miles a day, and still can’t hold still long enough for everyone to sit down for dinner, watched his breathing for five minutes. FIVE WHOLE MINUTES of still and calm. You could “see” his brain figuring out how his body was working! He’s really starting get how this works!

With the adventures over the past few months—seeing J get stressed out over dentist and doctor’s visits, seeing him burst in explosions of anxiety or frustration or even silliness—I’ve realized more and more how important it is for him to remember to breathe. To control his breath. Two weeks ago we found a wonderful pediatric dentist to work with J. He told us that J doesn’t need to go under for any procedures right now, but if he did in the future and if we wanted to do the nitrous oxide route, he’d have to learn how to breathe—deeply—though his nose if it was going to work. The tech at the EEG said the same thing. We could try the EEG again another time with nitrous oxide, but he would have to be calm enough to be able to breathe through his nose.

We aren’t there yet. Not even close. I’m not good at coming back to my own breath when I’m upset either. But we’re practicing it every day now. I’m realizing how important it is to keep breathing: in the literal, spiritual, mental, emotional, and symbolic sense. I’m realizing how important it is for J to be aware of his body and how he can be in charge of it.

It’s going to take a while. First you learn how to breathe by really paying attention, being aware of your body, and come back to it even when you notices distractions, then you have to remember to do it when things get tough. I think he can do it, because J always surprises us. He’s already shown so much growth this summer. The best mental physical resilliance I’ve seen yet was when he climbed to the top of Whistler Mountain in Jasper. I didn’t expect him to do it.I figured that he had climbed high enough. But when he saw W at the top he decided he was going to do it—crawling, crying, regrouping again. It was hard. Physically hard. It was windy, steep, and the air was really thin–a real mental and physical struggle. But he did it.

Like I said. He always surprises. That’s why we keep trying. July 2015 part 2 127

If you want to try out some mindful breathing (especially with kids) here’s some great little resources:

First saw this on Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls. Love it!

The Settle Your Glitter App. Totally free!!! It’s on my phone, so we can use it anytime, anywhere. Because you know–stress happens anytime, anywhere 😉